Vic Renna - THE RED LINE

This reel is a snapshot of my time on THE RED LINE, a limited series created by Erica Weiss and Caitlin Parrish, produced by Warner Bros. It ran in the spring of 2019 and it was a tremendous joy to work on. I made new friendships, and intensified existing ones, that I hope I will maintain the rest of my days.

(Reel edited by Dean Berdusis)

My reel as of 2017 was lovingly assembled by my pal Andrew Carter. Since, then I’ve had a busy few years - up until The World Stopped - and now I already need a serious reel update. I know. I know! I must get on that. But I managed to get this website together in 2 days, after… like a long, long, long time of just parking it, so, I’m gonna sip my coffee and put that on “tomorrow’s” to-do list. Enjoy Elizabeth of Yore for now…